Sunday, February 9, 2014

How to Fix McDonald's in Three Sentences

THE CHALLENGE: McDonald's is losing money and business.

THE PROBLEM: McDonald's menu is no longer appealing to their customers.

THE OPPORTUNITY: In order to keep old business, attract new, potentially more health-conscious clients, and put less stress on their employees, McDonald's needs to reduce their menu options back to the most basic and popular items and improve the quality of the ingredients chosen to make these items.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Getting to Know an Oreo: How to Think with a Beginner's Mind

Last class we were given the task of blindfolding ourselves and describing an object without our sight. I tied the bandanna easily around my eyes. But I had no idea what we would be given. I thought it would be something that we knew, but it would be something complex.

We were each handed a plastic bag with a small object in it. I felt something circular but with ridges. I immediately thought of a tire and applied pressure to the cent of the object to see if the rubber or plastic (like a toy tire) would feel pliable. But, much to my shock, the circle broke. Just as that happened, someone opened their bag and a very familiar scent wafted through the air. It sweet and chocolate-scented. I knew then what it was. I took the leftover shards out of the bag and held them in my hand. I had to resist the urge to eat the object right then. I knew I had to pretend that I had never encountered this cookie before. Just because it smelled edible and was relatively soft, did not necessarily mean I could eat it. The object continued to crumble slightly in my hand as I waited for further instructions.

Once we took our blindfolds off, I was given a new, more whole object, though of the same type because mine was broken. We were encouraged to use our sight and other senses this time to examine the object. The ridges I had felt formed a specific pattern on both sides of the circle. In the middle, the circle said "OREO" in raised print. Between the the two dark brown/ black circles there was a small white center. The circles left crumbs on my hands after handling. I pulled the circles apart and the white center broke.The center was smoother than the outside and smelled like vanilla. Once we were given the okay, I ate the cookie. It tasted like chocolate and vanilla.

I think the part that surprised me the most was how easily I broke the cookie. With my sight and knowing what an Oreo is, I would not have applied so much pressure to it that I broke it. I would have just taken in out of the bag and eaten it. Looking at something as if it is completely new and mysterious when it is really mundane and familiar. But, as always, this class is challenging our creativity in new and interesting ways. I look forward to our next project and coming up with ideas beyond the obvious.